Call for Board Candidates

You are invited and encouraged to become a candidate for election to the Blackstone Master Association's Board of Directors. There are two seats up for election this year, currently held by Thomas Fox and Ian Wyatt. The two candidates who receive the highest number of votes in the election will serve two-year terms. Each Director's two-year term will commence on January 1, 2024 (even if such Director is seated after January 1 because of a failure to reach quorum during the election in time to count the ballots before January 1), and will end on December 31, 2025. Candidate Forms weresent to the membership via USPS and email. To request a newcopy, email the General Manager at Members in good standing have until July 7, 2023 to submit their candidacy statement.

Last year we came very close to another successful quorum. Let's make it happen this year with record membership participation! Ballots will be mailed into the membership at the end of September.


Proposed Rule Changes


President’s Report - Fire Lanes